Beginner's Guide: Debug Python Code on VS Code

Hello Guys,

Once again, I am here with my blog post on how to debug Python code on VS Code editor. If you remember, we have discussed how to use VS Code for Python from its installation to run a simple Python "HelloWorld" program in my previous blog, so now we are going to get acquainted with the debugging feature of VS Code for Python. Please note that this does not cover all the features extensively, but enough to get started with (Beginner's guide... 😃)

Let's get started:
Before starting debugging we need to take care of few things like setting our debugging configurations specifically for Python. So, let’s do this first by following the steps below:

Initialize configurations:

A configuration drives VS Code's behavior during a debugging session. Configurations are defined in a launch.json file that's stored in a .vscode folder in your workspace (your project folder).

To initialize debug configurations, you need to select the Debug View icon in the activity bar as shown in pic:

Debug View Icon

If you don't yet have any configurations defined, you'll see "No Configurations" selected in the debug drop-down list, and a dot on the settings icon:

Now we need to generate a launch.json file with Python configurations, by following the steps given below:

1.    Select the settings button (circled in the image above) or use the Debug > Open configurations menu command.
2.    In the Select Environment drop-down list that appears, select Python.
3.    The Python extension then creates and opens a launch.json file that contains number of pre-defined configurations. You can modify configurations (to add arguments, for example), and also add custom configurations.

Now once again click on the Debug View in the activity bar and then select the preferable option from the drop-down list:

By default, VS Code shows only the most common configurations provided by the Python extension. You can select other configurations to include in launch.json by using the Add Configuration command shown in the list and in the launch.json editor.

Now you can see as shown on status bar, your selected debugging configuration. Selecting the configuration brings up a list from which you can choose a different configuration:

This is how a debug pane would look like where will see various sections to help you track information while you are running your program/script in debug mode. Believe me, this feature can really help us debug our python code effectively and efficiently:

Run the Debugger:

Let’s start our debugging on the previously created the simple Hello world program file
First, set a breakpoint on line 2 of by placing the cursor on this line and pressing F9. Alternately, just click in the editor's left gutter, next to the line numbers. When you set a breakpoint, a red circle appears in the gutter.

As you can see in the pic:

Switch to in the editor, then run the debugger by selecting the arrow in the Debug toolbar or pressing F5. Once the breakpoint is hit, your code execution stops right before executing that line and the debug toolbar appears at the top in the center as shown in pic:

A debug toolbar appears along the top with the following commands from left to right: continue (F5), step over (F10), step into (F11), step out (Shift+F11), restart (Ctrl+Shift+F5), and stop (Shift+F5).

1.    continue (F5): Clicking continue will execute the entire code until the next breakpoint is hit or the program ends.
2.    step over (F10): Clicking step over will execute one line of code. If the line contains a function then that function will be executed and we will get the result without debugging the each line in that function (just the result of that function call).
3.    step into (F11): Clicking step into will behaves exactly as the step over if the line is not the function, but if it’s a function then debugger will enter that function call and execute line by line debugging in that function.
4.    step out (Shift+F11): Clicking step out will execute rest of the function, in which you are in currently, and return back to that line where the function was called, basically it’s a way out from a function after executig rest of the lines in that function.
5.    restart (Ctrl+Shift+F5): Clicking restart will start the debugging again.
6.    stop (Shift+F5): Clicking stop will stop the debugging.

Once your breakpoint is hit, clicking “Step over” will execute one line of code. If that line is a function call, the complete function code would execute in one “step over” click, unless you have a breakpoint set in that function too. You can analyze your program state by going through the value of the local variables (Variables section in the debug pane). If you examine the Local variables window at this point, you see that only automatic dunder variables are defined:

While you are debugging you code, you can see relevant output in terminal.

Now let's move over to a different python program of printing a pattern so that we can analyze the change in value of the variables when they are used in a loop statement.

Let’s try this out by writing the simple python code in the VS Code editor. Create a new file and save it as and write this code.

Set a breakpoint on the required line:

Start debugging (F5)
Note that we are only seeing value of "rows' in the Variables section below, as the breakpoint was hit for the first time and we do not have any other local variable in this context right now.

You can continue with debugging using the Step Over button and when our breakpoint is hit, you have your dunder variables along with your local variables (i and j) in the variable section of the debug pane with their current value. 

In case you have a number of local variables that you need to track while stepping in you code, you can use the watch section in the Debug pane to just add the required variables. Please note that, these will still be available in Variables section. The watch window will have just selected few variables that you add and want to track easily instead of scrolling through a number of entries in the Variables section. 

In the next pic you can see the change in the values of “i and j” as we parse our loop.

So this all for now, these are the basic information which is required to get you started with efficient debugging of code. For a deeper understanding you can go through the official Microsoft Documentation .

Bye for now, I will be back soon with my next blog" Beginner’s Guide: Setting up the virtual environment in VS Code for different Python-based projects" .Till then keep quenching your thirst for CODE... Thanks for your valuable time. Have a nice day :-) 😄



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